Area Overview

This video is a summary of the area including the main roads into the burn, some notes on topology, and the season ahead

Staying Safe

Learn to use digital maps when offline. Topo maps are extremely helpful for finding acceptable areas but more importantly for finding your car when traveling off-trail. GaiaGPS, onX,, google maps cached to your device

Let someone know where you are and when to expect you back. Go with someone else when possible

Be extra careful when you’re alone. Avoid risky decisions like scrambling up steep inclines, or crossing on logs over fast-moving water

Carry snacks, water, warm clothes, rain protection, a lighter, headlamp w spare batteries, and a fully charged phone (learn about the 10 essentials)

Use airplane mode to conserve battery

Be a good steward of the land

Pack it out. Yours and maybe a few pieces of other trash. We all leave things behind and picking up someone else’s trash can help compensate for our own lost trash

Don’t pick in Wilderness Areas. These areas have special protection in national forests

Don’t pick immature mushrooms. Picking tiny pins is just bad form

Leave 1/3. Leave some for spores, animals, and others.