Admirable Bolete – Aureoboletus mirabilis (for now)

The Admirable Bolete is a common mushroom throughout western Washington and Oregon. It fruits from the Cascades to the coast. Key features include 1) a velvety, cocoa-colored cap 2) yellowing pores 3) a marbled stem 4) sometimes a bulbous base 5) often growing from heavily decomposed Western Hemlock logs that are sometimes buried

Edibility of Admirable Bolete: edible

Currently this mushroom is classified under the genus Aureoboletus however this will only be a temporary assignment. Admirable Boletes do not share the same characteristics as other Aureoboletus mushrooms and so this will likely be orgnaized under a new genus eventually.


From coastal areas into the Cascades. Near Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)


Tips for Finding Admirable Boletes

Learn how to identify Western Hemlock. One of the best ways to recognize you are near Western Hemlock is by the small cones scattered on the ground. Look for large rotten logs and stumps throughout the fall especially in the Western Cascades