As we approach our final days on the trail our gear and bodies are starting to show the wear and tear of nearly five months of walking.

In just the past week…

  • The inner baffles in Jeremy’s sleeping pad started breaking and mine has a slow leak which has led to some interesting sleeping positions and some regular re-inflation.
  • Our water bladder sprung a leak.
  • The zipper on one side of our tent has started to fail.
  • We’ve had enough minor cuts, bruises, and aches to deplete our band-aid and Advil supplies.

Luckily we had planned a weekend off (primarily to attend a family event on the Olympic Peninsula!) which will include a couple nights at home so we get to see our cats, mend some clothing, and rest in comfort before our final ten days of hiking this season.

Knowing we had this break has been a needed inspiration as I limped into camp the past couple of nights. Today we are enjoying fresh clothes, kitty snuggles, and the other comforts of an indoor lifestyle. It’s a nice taste of what is to come this autumn but I am glad to have a bit more walking before then.