Ink Caps

Coprinoid Fungi

This group of mushrooms is unique as the caps dissolve into a black ink. Many of these mushrooms are not closely related but identification guides typically group these together.

The shaggy mane or shaggy ink cap (coprinus comatus) is the best known species in this group and is sometimes gathered by foragers. Another ink cap Coprinopsis atramentaria produces a toxin known as coprine which causes mild to severe reactions when consumed with alcohol. Shaggy mane does not produce coprine.


Shaggy Mane
Coprinus Comatus

Star-capped Coprinus
Coprinus calyptratus


Hare’s Foot Inkcap
Coprinopsis lagopus

Humpback Inkcap
Coprinopsis acuminata

Mica Cap
Coprinellus micaceus

CC-BY Holger Krisp


Desert Inkcap
Montagnea arenaria

As the name implies, these mushrooms are found in dry, arid areas in the western US. They are most common from Southern California to Texas.