Chanterelle Mushroom Identification Guide


A concise chanterelle mushroom identification guide focusing on key features for identification, the four chanterelles of the Pacific Northwest, and other notable species in this group



A guide developed specifically for chanterelles of the Pacific Northwest. Learn about these wonderful mushrooms including details on all four of this region’s species, common look-alikes, and 4 additional edible mushrooms that superficially resemble chanterelles. Learn how to identify a chanterelle by the gills alone, and compare these to other non-chanterelle mushrooms.

This 20-page booklet is a concise way to focus on this one group of mushrooms, and is formatted in a way that makes it easy to recognize the similarities and differences among the group.

Includes these chanterelle species of the Pacific Northwest:

Cantharellus formosus – Golden Chanterelle

Cantharellus cascadensis – Cascade Chanterelle

Cantharellus roseocanus – Rainbow Chanterelle

Cantharellus subalbidus – White Chanterelle

Also includes these common look-alikes:

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca / False Chanterelle
Turbinellus floccosus / Scaly Chanterelle
Chroogomphus tomentosus / Woolly False Chanterelle

And these other chanterelle-group mushrooms:

Gomphus clavatus / Pig’s Ear
Polyozellus / Blue Chanterelles
Craterellus species / Black Trumpet, and Winter Chanterelle

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .25 in