Reflections on 5 months of hiking the PCT
It’s been two weeks after ending our 2023 Pacific Crest Trail journey and I am still processing what I learned and how I’m feeling. The five months of walking were absolutely wonderful, but were layered with a lot of happiness, pain, realizations, and moments of joy. I was surprised by the complex feelings I had…
Going home
Almost five months since we flew to San Diego to start the long walk home, we walked into Snoqualmie Pass, a ski resort only 60 miles east of Seattle on Interstate 90. The few days prior we had some of our best days on the trail – more mushrooms than we’d seen in that short…
The Fall Equinox
The Fall equinox this year not only signals the change of seasons, but for us the change of setting and lifestyle as we wind up our time on trail and prepare to move back indoors for the winter. The first four months of our trek on the PCT felt like perpetual summer. We had incredible…
The Oregon Trail: smoke, rain, mushrooms, and kindness
When researching the PCT there wasn’t much said online about the section in Oregon. Once we started getting within a couple hundred miles of the state, most of the talk was that Oregon is “flat & fast” – almost like a brief buffer between the spectacular scenery of Northern California and Washington. There’s even an…
Bend to Government Camp
Trail video from our latest section. After a day off in Bend, we got back on trail at Elk Lake. Later in the evening a fire broke out a few miles west of the trail. It was hot, dry, and smoky for a couple days but fortunately the weather turned cooler and we had a…
Huckleberries! And other trail snacks
Since we spend so much of our time walking and thinking about food, it’s quite the treat when the trail provides us with a little snack. There’s usually not a lot of calories to be found from foraging (especially when foraging in a sustainable way), but today (August 22) we feasted on huckleberries. For almost…